Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Federalnyj issledovatelskij tsentr khimicheskoj fiziki im. N.N. Semenova Rossijskoj akademii nauk (FITS KHF RAN)
Olkhov Anatolij Aleksandrovich (RU),Ольхов Анатолий Александрович (RU),Burya Gennadij Fedorovich (RU),Буря Геннадий Федорович (RU),Astakhov Ivan Yurevich (RU),Астахов Иван Юрьевич (RU),Kurnosov Aleksa
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to embodiments of methods of increasing regenerative potential of implanted material for restorative surgery. In the first embodiment, it is made of non-conductive polymer by application of coating from bioresorbable biopolymer onto implanted material. First, on the surface of the implanted material made from a non-electroconductive polymer, 100–200 nm thick conductive layer is formed, which is then coated with a bioresorbable biopolymer by electrostatic moulding from a polymer solution in an organic solvent, having electrical conductivity of 9–10 mcS/cm, in the form of a layer of microfibres with a diameter of up to 5000 nm and thickness of 15–50 mcm from a bioresorbable biopolymer: polyhydroxybutyrate, polylactide or mixtures thereof. In the second embodiment, when making the implanted material from metal, the bioresorbable biopolymer coating on the implanted material is applied by electrostatic moulding from a solution of a polymer in an organic solvent having specific conductivity of 9–10 mc/cm, in the form of a layer of microfibres with a diameter of not more than 1400 nm and a thickness of not less than 50 mcm from a bioresorbable biopolymer: polyhydroxybutyrate, polylactide or mixtures thereof.EFFECT: technical result is higher efficiency and multiple increase in specific surface of biopolymer layer made of fibres of submicron size, having conductive and adhesive properties.3 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к вариантам способов повышения регенерационного потенциала имплантируемого материала для восстановительной хирургии. В первом варианте изготавливают из неэлектропроводного полимера путем нанесения на имплантируемый материал покрытия из биорезорбируемого биополимера. Сначала на поверхности имплантируемого материала, изготовленного из неэлектропроводного полимера, создают токопроводящий слой толщиной 100-200 нм, на который затем наносят покрытие из биорезорбируемого б