The invention refers to a method for purifying sulfur-2-endosulfan dichloride (I2S) from unprocessed biological materials (such as cell culture medium containing I2S),Through less than six steps involving one or more anionic chromosome chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, mixed chromosome chromatography and hydrofluorocarbon interaction chromatography, in this process, pure I2S recombination contains less than 100 ng / mg of husped cell protein (HCP). Preferably, at least 70% of the pure I2S recombines contain c-alpha-formilglicina (fgly) residues, which are located equivalent to human I2S cys59 (section ID No.1). It also refers to pure I2S recombinant compounds containing less than 150 ng / Mg HCB.LA INVENCION SE REFIERE A UN METODO PARA PURIFICAR IDURONATO-2-SULFATASA (I2S) RECOMBINANTE A PARTIR DE MATERIALES BIOLOGICOS NO PROCESADOS (POR EJEMPLO, UN MEDIO DE CULTIVO CELULAR QUE CONTIENE I2S), MEDIANTE UN PROCESO QUE INVOLUCRA MENOS DE 6 PASOS DE CROMATOGRAFIA DE UNA O MAS DE CROMATOGRAFIA DE INTERCAMBIO ANIONICO; CROMATOGRAFIA DE INTERCAMBIO CATIONICO; CROMATOGRAFIA DE MODO MIXTO; Y CROMATOGRAFIA DE INTERACCION HIDROFOBICA, Y DONDE LA I2S RECOMBINANTE PURIFICADA CONTIENE MENOS DE 100 ng/mg DE PROTEINA DE CELULA HUESPED (HCP). PREFERENTEMENTE, POR LO MENOS 70% DE LA I2S RECOMBINANTE PURIFICADA CONTIENE EL RESIDUO C-alfa-FORMILGLICINA (FGly) EN LA POSICION CORRESPONDIENTE A Cys59 DE I2S HUMANA (SEC ID NO: 1). TAMBIEN SE REFIERE A COMPOSICIONES QUE COMPRENDEN I2S RECOMBINANTE PURIFICADA CONTENIENDO MENOS DE 150 ng/mg HCP.