The present invention discloses a method for detecting systemic risks of arteriosclerosis and occlusion, which is based on thickness and range of iris and is to replace the traditional steps of Framingham Riskt risk score by drawing blood for testing items of LDL/TCHO, HDL/TCHO. This method is coordinated with various data detected from an examinee such as age, gender, blood pressure, smoking or not, and diabetes history for a mutual comparison in order to figure out CVS risk = 2.739 + 4.21*IR risk (R2 = 51.9%, P = 0.000) from a mathematical linear function, which is used as a basis for evaluating risks of arteriosclerosis and occlusion to serve purposes of accuracy and rapid detection.本發明係揭示一種全身風險動脈硬化阻塞之檢測方法,其係依虹膜上的厚度、範圍取代傳統的風險評分Framingham Riskt抽血驗LDL/TCHO,HDL/TCHO的項目步驟,配合檢體年紀、性別、血壓、有否抽箊及糖尿病病史的各項檢測數據,作以相互比對所得的各項數據依數學一次函數運算出CVS risk=2.739+4.21*IR risk(R2=51.9%,P=0.000),作為評估動脈硬化阻塞風險的依據,達到精準、快速檢測的目的。