FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to neurology and physiotherapy. Impact is carried out by electric current. Cathode in the form of a needle fixed in the area of the periosteum of medial surface of the humeral bone above the medial condyle at the depth of 2 mm, and anode is fixed epicutaneous above cubital channel on the medial surface of forearm at 3 cm below the elbow. Passed a monophase electric current with intensity 5–10 mV, duration of 100–200 mcs at frequency 1–2 Hz. Amplitude and duration of pulses is selected to the level of painless sensations in the patient. Duration of one passing of electric current is 1 minute, then pause is made at 30 seconds. Total carried out 10 impacts per session, number of sessions of the therapeutic course is not less than 15, performed every other day.EFFECT: method allows to increase efficiency of electric nerves stimulation, that is ensured by using a monophase electric current and stimulation mode.1 cl