Malgina Galina Borisovna,Мальгина Галина Борисовна,Shafieva Kseniya Aleksandrovna,Шафиева Ксения Александровна,Mazurov Aleksandr Danilovich,Мазуров Александр Данилович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method for early prognosis of infectious-inflammatory complications (IIC) development. The following is established for women after very early premature delivry, prior to delivery: whether the delivery took place before, whether the woman suffers from endocrine pathology and nicotine addiction, whether there was a threat of pregnancy termination in the first trimester of this pregnancy, whether there is an ischemic-cervical insufficiency in this pregnancy. A bacteriological culture of the cervical canal contents is taken and the presence of a gram-negative microflora is determined. Venous blood is taken on an ampty stomach from the right ulnar vein into vacuum tubes in an amount of 5 ml and the presence of anemia and the number of leukocytes in venous blood plasma is determined by the biochemical automatic analyzer "Sapphire 400". Taking into account the obtained data, the prognostic index is calculated by the mathematical formula. Depending on the index value obtained, a high risk of IIC development in women after very early premature delivery is predicted, or a conclusion is made about the absence of this risk in the parturient woman.EFFECT: method allows identification of a high-risk group for the development of infectious-inflammatory complications after very early premature delivery due to identification of informative data of anamnesis and laboratory data.2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к акушерству, и касается способа раннего прогнозирования развития инфекционно-воспалительных осложнений (ИВО). У женщин после сверхранних преждевременных родов перед родами устанавливают: имели ли место роды ранее, страдает ли женщина эндокринной патологией и никотинозависимостью, была ли угроза прерывания беременности в первом триместре данной беременности, имеет ли место истмико-цервикальная недостаточность при данной беременности. Берут бактериологический посев содержимого цервикального канала и определ