A method and compound product are created from menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MenSCs) with an anti-tumor effect. In particular, the method and compound show the potential anti-tumor effect MenSCs can have on human pancreatic carcinoma, which has been analyzed on the Mia PaCa 2 human pancreatic carcinoma cell line (ATCC #CRL 1420). MenSCs have been proven to have an in vitro anti-tumor effect both in bi-dimensional cultures (monolayer) and in three-dimensional cultures (tumorspheres). Additionally, MenSCs slow down the appearance of pancreatic tumors when they are co-implanted with the pancreatic carcinoma cell line. MenSCs also have an in vivo therapeutic advantage in the treatment of human pancreatic carcinoma via intra-tumor injections.