Hybrid honeycomb for bees, which includes a support core (1), which in turn has the started cells (2) on both sides at the whole surfaces, that have a non-uniform, at the height, ends (3) on which wreath wax (6) is applied from which the bees develop cell walls to the full height (8). Hybrid Honeycomb at its upper edge has positioned drone brood (17) and on the outer edge of the honeycomb has openings for the passage (13) of bees and queens from one side to the other side of the hybrid honeycomb and has elements for fixing the needle (12) of honeycomb with slats frames (11), (14) and (15). Tops of the started cells (4) on the core (1) are unequal in height and are rough along tops of cell sides. Wax net is also rough and with wavy surfaces on both hybrids.Hibridno saće za pčele koje uključuje nosivu jezgru (1) koja na sebi ima sa obe strane po celim plohama započete satne ćelije (2) koje imaju neravnomerne, po visini, završetke (3) na koje je nanesen venac voska (6) iz kojeg pčele razviju do pune visine ćelijske zidove (8). Hibridno saće na svom gornjem rubu ima pozicionirano trutovsko leglo (17), te po vanjskom rubu saća ima otvore za prolaz (13) pčela i matice sa jedne strane na drugu stranu hibridnog saća kao i to da ima elemente za ubodnu fiksaciju (12) saća sa ramskim letvicama (11), (14) i (15). Vrhovi započetih ćelija (4) na jezgri (1) su nejednaki po visini i hrapavi po dužinama stranica vrhova ćelija. Voštana mreža je također hrapava i valovita na obje plohe hibrida.