A formula developed for body fat reduction is composed mainly of Camellia sinensis extract followed by raspberry extract, Camellia japonica extract, Citrus aurantium extract, and Arctium lappa extract. The formula is proved to be able to tackle obesity. Its consumption can help reduce body weight, adipose tissue mass, and blood triglycerides, hence leading to weight loss and body fat reduction.一種降低體脂肪組成物,其係以綠茶萃取物為主,並包括有覆盆子萃取物、山茶花萃取物、苦橙萃取物及牛蒡萃取物,其可有效地改善肥胖症,明顯降低體重、脂肪組織重量及血中三酸甘油脂含量,發揮顯著的抗肥胖效果。