1. A dressing for treating skin diseases or alleviating the symptoms of skin diseases in which exudation of blood proteins occurs, the dressing comprising: a) a polymer matrix with a micro-mesh structure; and b) a polar resin that binds to the proteins contained in the matrix and / or a resin that binds to proteins through hydrophobic binding. The dressing for treating skin diseases or alleviating the symptoms of skin diseases according to claim 1, wherein the polymer matrix with a micro-mesh structure is a micro-mesh structure of a complex carbohydrate selected from the group consisting of agar and agarose, or a micro-mesh structure made using polyacrylamide, latex, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, silicone, polyurethane or cellulose fiber. 3. A dressing for treating skin diseases or alleviating the symptoms of skin diseases according to claim 1, wherein the polar group is agarose, Sephadex or Sepharose having a DEAE (diethylaminoethyl) group; agarose, Sephadex or Sepharose having an SM (carboxymethyl) group; agarose, Sephadex or Sepharose having trimethylammonium groups; a resin having a functional group, such as sulfonyl derivatives or sulfonic acid derivatives as an S-cation exchange resin; or a polar resin (charged resin) from hydroxylapatite granules or a polystyrene structure. 4. The dressing for treating skin diseases or alleviating the symptoms of skin diseases according to claim 1, wherein the resin that binds to proteins by hydrophobic binding (hydrophobic interaction) is a resin containing a hydrocarbon chain from C4 to1. Повязка для лечения кожных заболеваний или облегчения симптомов кожных болезней, при которых происходит экссудация белков крови, причем повязка включает:a) полимерный матрикс с микросетчатой структурой; иb) полярную смолу, связывающуюся с белками, содержащимися в матриксе, и/или смолу, связывающуюся с белками посредством гидрофобного связывания.2. Повязка для лечения кожных заболеваний или облегчения симптомов кожных болезней по п.1, в