Refers to a pesticide composition containing: a spot on Anointing) of 8% to 11% w \/ W of Fipronil b) from 3% to 16% w \/ W of pyrethroid etofenprox as cifenotrina,Among others (c) 60% to 80% w \/ W of an organic Solvent such as Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (d) of 4% to 6% p \/ p as an Antioxidant tocopherol nicotinate and (e) of 2% to 15% w \/ W as an insect growth Regulator s-methoprene and pyriproxifen, among others.It also relates to a method for Killing pupae and Adult insects, parasites and ticks by cutaneous Application located in animals such as Cats And DogsSE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICION PESTICIDA DE UNCION DORSAL PUNTUAL QUE CONTIENE: A) DE 8% A 11% P/P DE FIPRONIL B) DE 3% A 16% P/P DE PIRETROIDE TAL COMO CIFENOTRINA, ETOFENPROX, ENTRE OTROS C) DE 60% A 80% P/P DE UN SOLVENTE ORGANICO TAL COMO ETER MONOETILICO DE DIETILENGLICOL D) DE 4% A 6% P/P DE UN ANTIOXIDANTE TAL COMO TOCOFEROL NICOTINATO Y E) DE 2% A 15% P/P DE UN REGULADOR DEL CRECIMIENTO DE INSECTOS TAL COMO PIRIPROXIFENO, S-METOPRENO, ENTRE OTROS. TAMBIEN SE REFIERE A UN METODO PARA MATAR PUPAS Y ADULTOS DE INSECTOS, PARASITOS O GARRAPATAS MEDIANTE LA APLICACION CUTANEA LOCALIZADA EN ANIMALES TAL COMO PERROS Y GATOS