Yi Seed Duo Seed manage intelligence Drug casees with Drug kenels, including Shell outside a Drug casees, its portion Inner includes big Drug boxes, small Drug boxes, and Office The Ju You mono- Let are equipped with the Drug bottom seats that Kong Installed are set below the outer Shell of position what Drug casees, wherein big Drug boxes Inner can place small Drug boxes, and Drug bottoms portion Shang Fang The Let have a Electricity scales, And phase Right Should are configured under the major Drug boxes of what, the major Drug He Office The Ling Let of Right Should have Ci Huang Open Off and LED Installed to set on Shell outside Drug casees, the Ge Shang Cover of And Right Should whats are to form a Cun Fang Kong Inter, the Kong Installed Zhi Inner Let of Drug bottom seats have Office to manage device, Ji Yi Body, Drug Xiang Open Off, loudspeaker, LED Installed are set, Time Inter Installed are set, and WiFi Huo Blue Ya Installed set and make Number According Even and meet Pass to send, Ji Ci Group are at the intelligent Drug casees with Guan Li Duo Seed Drug kenels.一種多種用藥型態管理智能藥箱,包括一藥箱外殼、其內部包含大藥盒、小藥盒、及位於藥箱外殼下方處則具有一設置有控制裝置之藥箱底座,其中大藥盒內可以放置小藥盒,而藥箱底部之上方則設有一電子秤,並相對應配置於各大藥盒之下,在藥箱外殼上對應各大藥盒處則另設有磁簧開關及LED裝置,並對應於各上蓋以形成一存放空間,藥箱底座之控制裝置內設有處理器、記憶體、藥箱開關、喇叭、LED裝置、時間裝置、及WiFi或藍牙裝置作數據連接傳送,藉此組成一具有管理多種用藥型態的智能藥箱。100‧‧‧藥箱底座110‧‧‧藥箱開關200‧‧‧藥箱外殼210‧‧‧上蓋211‧‧‧上蓋磁簧磁片220‧‧‧磁簧開關及LED裝置221‧‧‧藥箱磁簧磁片230‧‧‧大藥盒231‧‧‧小藥盒240‧‧‧電子秤