a. Oacute; oacute; n refers to an ingredient; oacute; n refers to a compound; n refers to an ampere; n refers to a drug; eacute; Utica, as an active substance, including betahistina or a drug salt and ampere; eacute; this is an acceptable practical substance for the treatment of neurological disorders and amber; oacute; gicos or otol amp; oaute; a. Donation to human body through application program and ampere, oacute, internal nose and lt, P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE DESCRIPCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE COMPRENDE, COMO SUSTANCIA ACTIVA, BETAHISTINA O UNA SAL FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLE DE ESTA, PARA SU USO EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE TRASTORNOS NEUROLÓ;GICOS U OTOLÓ;GICOS EN UN SUJETO HUMANO MEDIANTE APLICACIÓ;N INTRANASAL.<;/p>;