The present invention concerns a method for decontaminating the starches used as a raw material for the preparation of glucose polymers intended for peritoneal dialysis, the method comprising the following steps: - preparing a Waxy corn starch, - placing the Waxy starch in suspension at a concentration of between 20 and 40% dry matter in a process water at a pH of between approximately 5 and approximately 6, in particular approximately 5.5, - treating the starch suspension with a peracetic acid solution at a concentration equal to or between 100 and 500 ppm, preferably 300 ppm, - dewatering the starch, then dissolving in demineralised water adjusted to a pH of between approximately 5 and approximately 6, in particular approximately 5.5 and at a concentration of between 20 and 40% dry matter, - increasing the temperature to 107 °C, then adding an alpha-amylase for 15 minutes, - optionally, treating with an enzymatic preparation having detergent and clarification properties, - filtering the suspension on a bed of diatoms, - treating with an active carbon having a very high adsorption capacity, of pharmaceutical quality, and of "microporous" porosity, - treating with a second active carbon of "mesoporous" porosity, - optionally, passing over a macroporous adsorbent polymer resin, having a porosity greater than 100 angstroms, - optionally, continuous 5000 Da ultrafiltration, - safety filtration through a sterile filter having a porosity of 0.22 μm.Mevcut buluş, periton diyalizine yönelik amaçlanan glukoz polimeri preparatına yönelik bir hammadde olarak kullanılan nişastaların dekontaminasyonuna yönelik bir yöntem ile ilgilidir, yöntem, aşağıdaki adımları içerir: - bir Waxy mısır nişastasının hazırlanması, - yaklaşık 5 ile yaklaşık 6 arasında bulunan, özellikle yaklaşık 5,5 olan bir pH değerinde bir proses suyu içinde kuru maddenin %20'si ile 40'ı arasında bulunan bir konsantrasyonda Waxy nişastasının süspanse edilmesi, - 100 ile 500 ppm arasında bulunan, tercih edildiği