An insoluble water compound, consisting of a stable moisture and heat compound, selected from the group consisting of saquinavir and a water-insoluble ionospheric polymer having a molecular weight of more than 80000 D and a glass transition temperature equal to or greater than 50sc, and selected from the group Through polyacrylic acid, thyroxine, anthrax polymer, polyethylene phthalate, cellulose acetate, o-phenylacrylic acid, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, cellulose acetate, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose acetate, ethyl carbamate and low substitution hydroxypropylcelluloseOr a mixture of the above two or more ionomer polymers, in which the therapeutically active and stable fluorine-free compounds are mainly incorporated into the complex / polymer in the form of AMOLIN, determined by X-ray powder diffraction and present in the insoluble water Less than 10%The ionospheric polymer is present in the complex by weight of not less than 20%,By weight A pharmaceutical composition including the compound, a method for making the compound, a method for making the compound, and a method for stabilizing a fluorine-free compound are also disclosed.Un complejo insoluble en agua que comprende un compuesto estable a la humedad y al calor, amorfo seleccionado a partir del grupo formado por saquinavir y un polímero ionico insoluble en agua que tiene un peso molecular mayor que 80.000 D, una temperatura de transicion vítrea igual o mayor que 50sC, y está seleccionado a partir del grupo formado por poliacrilato, quitosan, polímeros carboxivinílicos, ftalato acetato de polivinilo, ftalato acetato de celulosa, policianoacrilatos, ftalato de hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa, tereftalato acetato de celulosa, succinato acetato de hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa, carboximetilcelulosa e hidroxipropilcelulosa de baja sustitucion, o una mezcla de dos o más de los polímeros ionicos anteriormente descriptos, en donde el compuesto terapéuticamente activo, estable amorfo está incorporado en el complejo compues