The present invention concerns a composition based on collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone and perhydrosqualene for filling by intracutaneous delivery route minor depressions of the skin in order to enhance the appearance thereof without causing a negative immune reaction or rejection of the extraneous body, a method for preparing the composition and the use thereof in the prevention and treatment of minor depressions in the skin by means of a temporary mechanical effect thereby avoiding the encapsulation of the substance, since depending among various factors on time, some compositions eventually cause a reaction to the extraneous body, leading to inflammation of the treated area and fibrosis. The composition as per the invention has the characteristic of being prepared to a controlled alkaline PH and forms a stable emulsion without foam.Predmet predstavljenog pronalaska je aromatizovana terapeutska kompozicija koja sadrži glinu kao aktivni element, i koju karakteriše to što je glina dioktaedarski smektit i što je aroma.