Double binding molecules of BCMA and CD3; nucleic acid sequences for coding; vectors; clula; pharmaceutical ingredients including monomolecules; uses for treating diseases related to plasticizing cell degeneration, Type B cell disorders associated with BCMA manifestations and autoimmune diseases
The present invention relates to a binding molecule comprising a first and a second binding domain, wherein the first binding domain is capable of binding to epitope clusters of BCMA, and the second binding domain is capable of binding to the T cell CD3 receptor complex. Moreover, the invention provides a nucleic acid sequence encoding the binding molecule, a vector comprising said nucleic acid sequence and a host cell transformed or transfected with said vector. Furthermore, the invention provides a process for the production of the binding molecule of the invention, a medical use of said binding molecule and a kit comprising said binding molecule.<;p>;LA INVENCIÓ;N PROPORCIONA UNA MOLÉ;CULA DE UNIÓ;N BIESPECÍ;FICA PARA BCMA Y CD3; SECUENCIA DE Á;CIDO NUCLEICO QUE LA CODIFICA; VECTOR ; CÉ;LULA; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE COMPRENDE A LA MOLÉ;CULA DE UNIÓ;N; USO PARA TRATAR ENFERMEDADES RELACIONADAS A TRANSTORNOS DE CÉ;LULAS PLASMÁ;TICAS, TRASTORNOS DE CÉ;LULAS B CORRELACIONADOS CON LA EXPRESIÓ;N DE BCMA Y ENFERMEDADES AUTOINMUNES.<;/p>;