Yi Seed walking stick Zhe Shou structures, The walking sticks Zhe Shou Knot Agencies Department have more sections of Zhang Body, each section of Zhang Body Inter of The utilizes Zhe Shou Installed Zhi Da to a Bi Ci Inter Even Knot, and it respectively includes mono- Group Jie Block, bis- Group Jie Block, a Bomb springs, mono- Block parts of a Steel Suo With that The Zhe Shou Installed, which are set,.一種手杖折收結構,該手杖折收結構係具有多截之杖體,該每一截的杖體間均利用一折收裝置達到彼此間的連結,且該折收裝置各包含有一第一組接塊、一第二組接塊、一彈簧、一鋼索與一擋件。(10)‧‧‧杖體(11)‧‧‧第一端(12)‧‧‧第二端(13)‧‧‧第一螺紋段(14)‧‧‧第二螺紋段(20)‧‧‧折收裝置(21)‧‧‧第一組接塊(211)‧‧‧第三螺紋段(22)‧‧‧第二組接塊(224)‧‧‧第四螺紋段(23)‧‧‧彈簧(24)‧‧‧鋼索(241)‧‧‧穿設端(242)‧‧‧限位塊(25)‧‧‧擋件