A scalp inspection system is provided. The scalp inspection system includes a scalp inspection device and a scalp inspection application. The scalp inspection application includes a calculation module, a data module and a judgment module. The scalp inspection device is configured to shoot an examinee’s rear scalp and the examinee’s other scalp. According to the image of the rear scalp, the calculation module is configured to generate a density of amount of native normal hair, a density of amount of native fine hair and a density of amount of native total hair of the rear scalp. The data module is configured to display a rate of density of native fine hair, a rate of density of other fine hair and a rate of density of total hair. According to the rate of density of total hair, the judgment module provides a situation analysis of amount of total hair.本發明提供一種頭皮檢測系統,包括一頭皮檢測儀及一頭皮檢測程式,頭皮檢測程式包括一計算模組、一數據模組、及一判定模組。頭皮檢測儀是用於拍攝一被檢測者的後方頭皮的影像及該被檢測者的待測部位頭皮的影像。此外,計算模組依據後方頭皮的影像計算出後方頭皮的一原生正常髮量的密度、一原生細髮量的密度及一原生總髮量的密度。數據模組會顯示一原生細髮密度比、一待測細髮密度比、及一總髮量密度比。判定模組依據總髮量密度比而提供一個相對應的總髮量狀況分析。10‧‧‧頭皮檢測系統11‧‧‧頭皮檢測儀12‧‧‧頭皮檢測程式121‧‧‧計算模組1211‧‧‧原生正常髮量的密度1212‧‧‧原生細髮量的密度1213‧‧‧原生總髮量的密度1214‧‧‧待測正常髮量的密度1215‧‧‧待測細髮量的密度1216‧‧‧待測總髮量的密度122‧‧‧數據模組1221‧‧‧原生細髮密度比1222‧‧‧待測細髮密度比1223‧‧‧總髮量密度比1224‧‧‧細髮密度差異值123‧‧‧判定模組1231‧‧‧總髮量狀況分析1232‧‧‧細髮髮量狀況分析