ВАН И-Лан (US),СУНЬ Ин (US),ЧЖАН Гуанхой (US),ЯН Чуньлинь (US)
1. A styptic material containing a) at least one particulate electroplating material containing at least two dissimilar metals, and b) a biocompatible polysaccharide-based styptic hemostat. The hemostatic material according to claim 1, wherein said particulate electroplating material contains copper and zinc. The hemostatic material according to claim 1, wherein said scaffold comprises oxidized regenerated cellulose, chitosan, or mixtures thereof. The hemostatic material according to claim 3, wherein said frame is in the form of a powder, woven or non-woven fabric. Hemostatic material according to claim 4, containing 0.01-10 mg of galvanic material in the form of particles per gram of frame. 6. Hemostatic material according to claim 3, wherein said frame is a web. A hemostatic material according to claim 6, wherein said fabric is a woven or non-woven fabric, and said hemostatic material further comprises a binder. A styptic material according to claim 7, wherein said binder is polyethylene glycol. Hemostatic material according to claim 8, containing 0.01-10 mg of galvanic material in the form of particles per square meter. see frame. 10. A method for performing hemostatic therapy of a wound surface, comprising the following steps: (a) forming a hemostatic material containing a framework, particulate galvanic material and optionally a mixing medium; (b) immediately applying a hemostatic material to the wound surface. 11. A method for producing hemostatic material, comprising the following steps: (a) providing1. Кровоостанавливающий материал, содержащий a) по меньшей мере один гальванический материал в виде частиц, содержащий по меньшей мере два разнородных металла, и b) биосовместимый кровоостанавливающий каркас на основе полисахаридов.2. Кровоостанавливающий материал по п. 1, в котором упомянутый гальванический материал в виде частиц содержит медь и цинк.3. Кровоостанавливающий материал по п. 1, в котором упомянутый каркас содержит окисленную регенерированную целлюл