The invention relates to method for creating a cell phone, combined with aportablemedical diagnostic and therapeutic device. To the cell phone's software willbe addeda software for controlling and for monitoring the medical functions. For themedicalparts of the device can be created a new software or it can be used from theexistingdiagnostic medical devices. The therapeutic part of the device will generateand applyto the human body the several kinds of energy. The efficiency of treatment,the safety,and state of the human organism will be under ceaseless control of thediagnostic part.As the portable device is low-powered, its therapeutic application can be aslong as itneeded, and it can be used in any life conditions. The device could be helppeople toaccept responsibility for their own health, to control and improve theirhealth byreinforcing the body's natural self-defence and healing mechanism. Combinedwithcell phone, using it as a microcomputer and monitor, the device will be ableto collectthe measured dates and transfer them to a medical office database forreviewing andinterpreting by the medical personal.