FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: acoustic scanning of the mammary gland skin is performed. Scanning of each gland is performed on similar 6 lines, originating from the areola. The lines on the upper surface of the mammary glands are: 1 line - medial line (1) 2 line - central upper line (2), passing on the midclavicular line above the areola with the nipple. An angle between line 2 and line 1 constitutes 45° 3 line is a lateral line (3), directed towards the axilla, directed at an angle of 45° to line 2. The lines on skin of the lower surface of the mammary gland are: 4 line is the lateral lower line (4) 5 line is the central lower line (5), passing on the midclavicular line below the areola with the nipple, and an angle between line 4 and line 5 constitutes 45° 6 line is the medial lower line (6) directed at an angle of 45° to line 5. Measurement is performed on each line on the mammary gland skin by three points, equidistant from the areola. A distance between the points constitutes 3 cm. Acoustic scanning along each line in each point is performed with measurement of a rate by two axes: the Y axis is oriented along each line of scanning - parameter Vy, the X axis is oriented perpendicular to y direction - parameter Vx. A value of the acoustic anisotropy coefficient is calculated on the basis of the measured parameters: K=Vy/Vx-1. The coefficient is considered positive (K+) at Vy>Vx, which corresponds to the larger tension of skin along the Y axis, the coefficient is considered negative (K-) at Vy