Universal drill of frames for beehives is in the group of the mechanical tools for the preparation of frames for beehives. Excellent concept for design and quality performance enables to satisfy the needs of all the farmers interested in beehives when it concerns the preparation of frames for the following season. The accomplished speed, precision and simplicity of use at work is increased and gives time to the farmer dealing with beehives to devote more attention and time to activities concerning the beehives in comparison to the drilling of frames.Univerzalni bušač ramova za košnice spada u grupu mehaničkih alata za pripremu ramova za košnice. Dobro osmišljen dizain i kvalitetna izrada omogućavaju da zadovolji potrebe svih pčelara kada je u pitanju priprema ramova za predstojeću sezonu. Ostvarena brzina, preciznost i jednostavnost upotrebe u radu povećava i daje vremena pčelaru da se više posveti aktivnostima na pčelinjaku nego samom bušenju ramova.