It defines an upper platform which is independent from the ground and basically parallel to the ground. Users place the upper platform on a toroidal object that can be twisted at the user's request in case of an accident. This nameless body supports and responds to the second opposite rigid body. This torsionable ring elastomer defines a battery scattering medium, which is at least part of the energy generated by the user's movement from top to bottom,It is defined as the mass of the user's weight and its dynamic action on the top plate. After the part of the surface of the ring object contacts the upper and lower platforms, a variable volume air chamber is defined inside the ring object and between the two platforms. On the basis of the local elastic deformation of the ring object, it is a means of event energy dissipation; there are such groups. At least one managed air output with air quality contained indoors,According to the change of air chamber capacity. The request for the use of the top platform is for the bottom platform, and through two or more means of pressure, one platform is connected to the other platform, and close contact is established between the surfaces to exert pressure on the celestial body.Define una plataforma superior, separada y sustancialmente paralela del suelo, sobre la cual actúa el usuario, que asienta sobre un cuerpo anular elásticamente deformable bajo la solicitación del usuario incidente sobre dicha plataforma superior. Este cuerpo anular apoya sobre una segunda placa rígida opuesta y enfrentada a la superior, contra la cual reacciona. Este cuerpo anular elástica-mente deformable define un medio acumulador-disipador de por lo menos parte de la energía producida por el desplazamiento con vector descendente del usuario sobre la placa superior respecto de la inferior, definido por la masa del peso del usuario y por su acción dinámica sobre dicha placa superior. Las porciones de superficie del cuerpo anular en contacto con plataforma