Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Диагностика+" (RU)
Буреев Артем Шамильевич (RU),Жданов Дмитрий Сергеевич (RU),Земляков Иван Юрьевич (RU),Осипов Артем Владимирович (RU),Сырямкин Владимир Иванович (RU)
1. bronhofonogramm analysis method, comprising the steps that receive and analyze acoustic signals, display and transmit information to the Internet network, characterized in that the form and current reference matrix acoustic signals of organ pathology, and comparing the reference current matrix, and automatically decide of pathology in Wavelet, Fourier, fractal, correlation analysis and neural network signalov.2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the analysis of the reference and current matrices formed and analyzed sravneniya.3 complex method. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the object with the recorded acoustic signals are further filtered nonlinear filter to suppress noises and approksimiruyut.4. bronhofonogramm analysis apparatus comprising serially connected respiratory mask is fixed on the object, a microphone, an acoustic amplifier unit electronic filters, analog-to-digital converter and a microcontroller, coupled via series connected bi-directional communication, communication node and personal electronic computer to computer, and synchronizer and power supply, characterized in that it additionally introduced, firstly, connected in series with a miniature electromechanical Stem, inlet and outlet connected to an object, a filter of acoustic signals, the block noise reduction processing unit and the signal analysis unit decision support input and output coupled to the microcontroller, secondly, to a separate output of a miniature electromechanical system connected serially connected analog converter , telec1. Способ анализа бронхофонограмм, заключающийся в том, что получают и анализируют акустические сигналы, отображают и передают информацию в сеть Интернет, отличающийся тем, что формируют эталонную и текущую матрицы акустических сигналов о патологии органов, сравнивают эталонную и текущие матрицы, и автоматически принимают решение о патологии при Вейвлет, Фурье, фрактальном, корреляционном и нейросетевом анализе сигна