The claimed group of inventions relates to bioengineering and can be used in medicine, veterinary medicine, laboratory diagnostics and immunology in the treatment of tumors of the internal organs of a malignant or benign nature. The claimed technical solutions are based on the production of a novel class of substances having immune activity which are obtained from the tissue of an internal, transitory or transplanted organ, a neoplasm (tumor) in the organism of an individual, have specific activity in relation to antibodies/autoantibodies and are characterized by the presence of properties which make it possible to identify, using a laboratory procedure, the condition of the tissue of the internal organs in an individual under examination by means of identifying an antigen-antibody or autoantigen-autoantibody reaction occurring between the substance and a biological liquid taken from the individual under examination and which have partial organ and species synergy, which makes it possible to induce a response of the immune system of an organism of an individual on parenteral administration which results in local lysis of the tissue having organ and species affinity to the administered substance.Le présent groupe dinventions se rapporte au domaine des biotechnologies et peut être utilisé en médecine, en médecine vétérinaire, pour des diagnostics en laboratoire, en immunologie lors du traitement de tumeurs dorganes internes malignes ou bégnines. Ce résultat technique repose sur la création dune nouvelle classe de substances ayant une activité immune qui sont obtenues à partir de tissus dun organe interne transitoire ou transplanté, dune néoformation (tumeur) de lorganisme dun individu ayant une activité spécifique envers les anticorps/autoanticorps et se caractérisant par des propriétés permettant de révéler par un procédé de laboratoire létat des tissus dorganes internes dun individu suivi, ceci en révélant la réaction antigène-anticorps et autoantigène-autoanticorps