The present invention relates to a smoking stand capable of being installed in various places, such as indoor and outdoor places. According to the present invention, the smoking stand comprises: a post including a cigarette butt incineration unit and a collection box; and a horizontal bar including an inlet to suck cigarette smoke. A plurality of smoke removing filters and photocatalytic filters are embedded in the inlet and the horizontal bar, a photocatalytic layer is formed in the horizontal bar having the filter embedded therein, an advertisement panel is able to be mounted on the post, harmful substances included in the cigarette smoke are removed through the smoke removing filter, and the cigarette smoke passing through the smoke removing filter is deodorized and sterilized by an ultraviolet light emitting diode (LED) and the photocatalytic layer. Moreover, the cigarette butts are easily gathered and collected, and no-smoking images and sentences are continuously exposed through the advertisement panel to increase no-smoking effect. Moreover, indoor air is purified through continuous operation of the smoking stand, such that the quality of air is improved and thus additional purchase of a conventional air purifier is not required. Moreover, a large volume of cigarette smoke is purified and deodorized at a time, such that the smoking stand is able to be installed in an outdoor space used by the public as well as an indoor space, and operation and management are convenient while having a simple structure, thereby providing economic efficiency.본 발명은 실내 및 실외 등 다양한 장소에 설치될 수 있도록 한 흡연 스탠드에 대한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 담배꽁초 소각부 및 수거함을 갖는 지주와 담배 연기를 흡입할 수 있도록 한 흡입구를 갖는 가로대에 의한 흡연 스탠드를 구비하되, 상기 흡입구 내부 및 가로대에는 제연필터 및 광촉매필터를 복수로 내장하고, 상기 필터가 내장된 가로대의 내부 역시 광촉매층을 형성하며, 상기 지주에는 광고패널 등을 장착할 수 있도록 구성함에 따라,제연필터를 통해 담배연기 내 유해물질의 제거가 이루어지고 제연필터를 통과한 담배연기는 자외선 엘이디 및 광촉매층에 의해 악취 제거와 살균이 이루어지는 것이며, 담배 꽁초의 회수 및 수거가 매우 용이한 것은 물론 광고패널을 통해 금연 홍보 영상 및 문구 등을 지속적으로 노출시켜 금연 효과를 향상시킬 수 있는 것이며, 흡연 스탠