syringe (1), a barrel (2), slides within the barrel, and a plunger (3) having a sealing (8) which is engaged sealing engagement to the interior surface of the barrel, the barrel is, the having a piercing member (20) comprising a piercing point at the distal end (27) and the aperture (26). Aperture (26) communicates with the distal end of the barrel, a distal end of the barrel the connecting member (28), the adapter member comprising a intradermal injection needle (39) (36) to the connecting member (28) It is adapted to be mounted. Further, the syringe intradermal injection adapter for (36) is provided, proximal end adapter, an intradermal injection needle (39) located at the distal end is constructed and arranged to be mounted to the barrel DOO comprising a body (37) having a further body, between the barrel (2) and intradermal injection needle (39) is fluidly connected.FIELD 1注射器(1)が、バレル(2)と、バレル内で摺動し、バレルの内部表面に密閉係合されるシール(8)を有するプランジャ(3)とを備え、バレルが、その遠位端のところに穿孔点(27)およびアパーチャ(26)を備える穿孔部材(20)を有する。アパーチャ(26)がバレルの遠位端に連通され、バレルの遠位端が接続部材(28)を有し、皮内注射針(39)を備えるアダプタ部材(36)が接続部材(28)に取り付けられるように適合される。また、注射器のための皮内注射アダプタ(36)が提供され、アダプタが、遠位端のところにある皮内注射針(39)と、バレルに取り付けられるように構成および配置される近位端とを有するボディ(37)を備え、さらにボディが、バレル(2)と皮内注射針(39)との間を流体接続させる。【選択図】図1