SCHUMM, Stephan Georg,DE FOLTER, Julius Wouter Johannes
F. lt; P gt; present invention; oacute; n provides one M amp; eacute; all water used in the manufacture of latex and ampere; oacute; edible oil, with pH range of 3.0-5.0, 30-78% by weight of oil, 65-20% by weight, 0-0 by weight, By weight, 5% and 6% of yolk protein composition, by dry weight, wherein yolk protein composition is composed of a mixed component: CI amp; oacute; n de liporotte amp; Iacute; Na, low density LDL,Ligutina, liporet and AMP, ikat, high density n a (HDL) and foster (M amp in which is called eacute), including the following steps: A. increase the pH value of hydrate; Iacute; liquid, including a first part; oacute; yolk plasma, reach at least 9 pH values, and maintain the L amp; ute; liquid of hydrate, this pH value In a period of 1 to 300 minutes, the pH value of the mixture is then reduced to 7 or less to produce one liter / ampere; Iacute; treated plasma yolk, including one fraction / ampere; oacute; treated plasma yolk; B. prepare the first prior mulsi Anpei; oacute; N, mixed oil, water,A fracci amp; oacute; n de YEMA egg en GR Aacute; nuls, and can be selected as the second fracci amp; oacute; n de YEMA egg plasma; C. combining L amp; Iacute; L amp; oacute; N, to produce the second pre mulsi amp; oacute; N and D. standardize the second kind of omen and ampere; oacute; n for latex and ampere; oacute; n for oil and water; yolk protein composition of latex and ampere; water composition in oacute; oil is divided into CI amp; oacute; N: 60-75% of the weight of amp; midot; LDL; 8-14% of the weight of amp; midot; livtina; and amp; dot; dot; dot; mid; 11-18% HDL weight amp; midot;2-5% by foster weight; lt; / P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N PROVEE UN MÉ;TODO PARA PREPARAR UNA EMULSIÓ;N AGUA EN ACEITE COMESTIBLE, QUE TIENE UN PH COMPRENDIDO EN EL RANGO VARIABLE ENTRE 3,0 Y 5,0, Y QUE COMPRENDE ENTRE 30 Y 78 % EN PESO DE ACEITE, ENTRE 65 Y 20 % EN PESO DE AGUA Y ENTRE 0,5 Y 6 % EN PESO DE UN COMPONENTE PRO