FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: thermoelectric semiconductor device for contrast thermoodontometry comprises an actuating tip, a thermoelectric system of exposure temperature change, a reference junction cooling system represented by a flow of a radiator, and a temperature control and regulation unit with a temperature sensor. The actuating tip is a gel material applicator with high thermal conductivity. The switching plates ends in the tip internal cavity protrude beyond the surface formed by the alternating p- and n-type branches on one side and represents the affecting junctions of the exposure temperature change system. The switching plates ends on the other side are in contact with the fluid circulating through the cooling system channel, and represents the reference junctions of the exposure temperature change system. The ends of the p- and n-type branches are coated with a layer of dielectric material with low thermal conductivity, and the projecting portions of switching plates - with a layer of dielectric material with high thermal conductivity. The exposure temperature control and regulation unit includes a power supply, a programmable controller, adigital display, an NC Portable key and a temperature sensor on the inner surface of the applicator. An electrically conductive expanding probe is located inside the dielectric insulating body with a possibiliti of lockeing in two positions.EFFECT: increased accuracy of diagnosis, control and regulation of exposure temperature, improved device weight and size, improved quality of contact with the tooth surface, reduced process inertia under by changing temperature conditions, combination of heat and electrical exposure modes, increased speed of patient response accountig.1 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано в стоматологии. Термоэлектрическое полупроводниковое устройство для термоэлектроодонтометрии содержит воздействующий наконечник, термоэлектрическую систему изменения температу