JO, Young Hyun,조영현,KANG, Sung Pil,강성필,PARK, Yong Bin,박용빈,CHOI, Sung Je,최성제,IM, Chang Yong,임창용
The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for the inverted aquaculture of seaweed. The method for the inverted aquaculture of seaweed differs from existing methods for the aquaculture of seaweed, in which seaweed seeded into a general substrate are immersed in seawater so as to culture the seaweed. According to the method for the inverted aquaculture of seaweed, in order to culture seaweed without using a large amount of seawater, the seaweed is attached to a substrate, and the surface of the substrate onto which the seaweed is attached is disposed upside down in the direction of gravity. Also, a spray for spraying moisture and nourishment onto the seaweed is disposed on the bottom of the substrate onto which the seaweed is attached in the direction of gravity. Here, the spraying period and the amount of spraying are controlled by a spray controller. Also, a light source for the photosynthesis of the seaweed is disposed on top of the substrate in the direction opposite the direction of gravity. Here, the on/off period and the amount of the light emitted by the light source are controlled by a light-source controller. According to the present invention, the control of the environment in land-based equipment may be rendered easy, and a large amount of seawater, which is needed for the aquaculture of seaweed, is not required to provide a novel method for aquaculture. Thus, seaweed may be mass-produced in an indoor space on land by factory-type, large-scale crop production, such as hydroponics.La présente invention a trait à un procédé et à un appareil destinés à laquaculture inversée dalgues. Le procédé destiné à laquaculture inversée dalgues diffère des procédés existants destinés à laquaculture dalgues, en ce que les algues ensemencées dans un substrat général sont immergées dans leau de mer de manière à cultiver les algues. Selon le procédé destiné à laquaculture inversée dalgues, afin de cultiver les algues sans utiliser une grande quantité deau de me