Being the long element where the fixed installation as it extends alongside the medial axis has total length L, inside the wavelength range which is chosen beforehand the proximal side part and the aforementioned it was formed with the material which substantially is non absorptivity vis-a-vis electromagnetic radiation inside the wavelength range which is chosen beforehand with the proximal side part and the distance side part it is laid out the distance side part which was formed with the material which substantially is non absorptivity vis-a-vis electromagnetic radiation, in axial direction, it possesses inside the wavelength range which aforementioned beforehand is chosen combining with the median part which was formed with the material which substantially is absorptivity vis-a-vis electromagnetic radiation,Including the long element, it becomes.固定装置は、中心軸に沿って延びるとともに全長Lを有する細長い要素であって、予め選択された波長範囲内で電磁放射線に対して実質的に非吸収性である材料で形成された近位側部分と、前記予め選択された波長範囲内で電磁放射線に対して実質的に非吸収性である材料で形成された遠位側部分とを、近位側部分と遠位側部分との間に軸方向に配置され、前記予め選択された波長範囲内で電磁放射線に対して実質的に吸収性である材料で形成された中央部分と組み合わせて有する、細長い要素を含んでなる。