1. A method for producing serum with thrombin comprising the steps of: preparing an activated procoagulant means ivzaimodeystviya said activated procoagulant agent with an aliquot of the liquid portion of the blood to form a mixture containing serum with thrombin iizvlecheniya said whey from said smesi.2 thrombin. A method for producing serum with thrombin comprising the steps of: a first aliquot of the liquid portion of blood from procoagulant agent to form an activated procoagulant means storing said activated procoagulant means interaction second aliquot of the liquid portion of blood with the specified subjected to storage activated procoagulant agent to form a mixture comprising whey thrombin iizvlecheniya said whey from said smesi.3 thrombin. A method for producing serum with thrombin comprising the steps of: a first aliquot of the liquid portion of blood from procoagulant agent to form an activated procoagulant agent containing prothrombinase enzyme complex bound to the surface procoagulant means storing said activated procoagulant means reacting said activated procoagulant means subjected to storage in the second aliquot of the liquid portion of the blood to form a mixture comprising fibrin gel, trituration of said fibrin gel after said grinding step, extract with thrombin serum from said mixture ivzaimodeystviya said serum extracted with thrombin to fibrin1. Способ получения сыворотки с тромбином, включающий стадии:получения активированного прокоагулирующего средства ивзаимодействия указанного активированного прокоагулирующего средства с аликвотой жидкой части крови для образования смеси, содержащей сыворотку с тромбином иизвлечения указанной сыворотки с тромбином из указанной смеси.2. Способ получения сыворотки с тромбином, включающий стадии:взаимодействия первой аликвоты жидкой части крови с прокоагулирующим средством для образования активированного прокоагулирующего средствахранения указанного активированного прокоагулирующего средствавзаимодействия втор