Манаенков Александр Сергеевич (RU),Шкуринский Вячеслав Александрович (RU),Костин Максим Валериевич (RU)
1. A method of creating long-lasting forest crops, including planting the main species of plants and plants of related species, cleaning and thinning in the rows of crops, characterized in that in areas with insufficient atmospheric moisture with massive afforestation of areas with heavy soils, inaccessible and limited groundwater treatment soils are carried out according to a system of long-term black steam, cultures are created in clean rows with narrow aisles, and backstage from the main breed rows are alternated with backstage from the rows of related he City and place them on ravnomerno.2 area. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the soil is plowed over the number of years, inversely proportional to the deficit of precipitation, the width of the wings from the rows of the main breed is made equal to the width of the expansion (separation) of seeds from the wings of the accompanying rocks, and the width of the wings of the accompanying rocks is sufficient to good development and fruiting of plants. 3. The method according to claim 2, characterized in that the most drought-resistant and productive plants are used as the main breed, and the photophilous soil-improving plants are used as undergrowth species. The method according to claim 3, characterized in that the cleaning and thinning in the rows of the main breed is repeated and carried out according to the lower method.1. Способ создания долговечных лесных культур, включающий посадку растений главной породы и растений сопутствующих пород, прочистку и прореживание в рядах культур, отличающийся тем, что в районах с недостаточным атмосферным увлажнением при массивном облесении площадей с тяжелыми почвами, недоступными и ограниченно доступными грунтовыми водами обработку почвы проводят по системе многолетнего черного пара, культуры создают чистыми рядами с узкими междурядьями, а кулисы из рядов главной породы чередуют с кулисами из рядов сопутствующих пород и размещают их по площади равномерно.2