A new and distinct low-chill, tetraploid highbush blueberry (Vaccinium) variety of complex ancestry, based largely on V. corymbosum L with some genes from V. darrowi Camp. Its novelty consists of the following unique combination of features: 1. Produces a vigorous, upright, long-lived plant with little basal suckering. 2. Has high resistance to stem canker (Botrosphaeria corticis), stem blight (Botryosphaeria dothedia, and Phytophthora root rot. 3. Flowers and produces abundant new leaves in areas of north Florida where the mean temperature of the coldest month is 57 DEG F. or lower. 4. Ripens its fruit 60 days after flowering in north-central Florida. 5. Ripens 80% of its fruit between April 20 and May 15 in north-central Florida. 6. Produces fruit that are large, firm, have a good picking scar, and a good flavor. 7. Can be propagated asexually by softwood cuttings.