Бакуткин Илья Валерьевич (RU),Спирин Владимир Федорович (RU),Бакуткин Валерий Васильевич (RU)
Violations occur when the pupil function of many pathological conditions. Reducing the amplitude of pupillary reactions result in poor blood supply to the anterior segment of the eye, which is the main cause of primary open angle glaucoma, cataract. The light stimulation eye pupillary response has therapeutic and preventive orientation in these diseases. Apparatus for light stimulation pupillary reaction eyes is obturator made of opaque resilient material, the geometric shape of which follows the anatomical shape of the orbital portion of the face, the optical unit combined with a monitoring device, a lighting unit having a plurality of light sources generating light flux with a wavelength of 671 nm, 546 nm and 435 nm, which can be used separately, or successively in an equal proportional combination, providing, including wHO operation with white light, and the infrared emitter, and an optical control unit illuminators. The apparatus allows to obtain objective data on pupillary response with a digital video recording in a dark adaptation and stimulating exposure in the visible wavelength range. This provides a measure of the stimulating action of the light pulse rate and degree of constriction of the pupil, which allows to adjust within broad limits light exposure duration, intensity, wavelength, the possibility to carry out the selection of the individual parameters exposure ensure their dynamic character during stimulation every patient.Нарушения зрачковой функции возникают при многих патологических состояниях организма. Снижение амплитуды зрачковых реакций приводят к ухудшению кровоснабжения переднего сегмента глаза, что является основной причиной развития первичной открытоугольной глаукомы, катаракты. Световая стимуляция зрачковой реакции глаза имеет лечебно-профилактическую направленность при этих заболеваниях. Устройство для световой стимуляции зрачковой реакции глаза, состоит обтюратора, изготовленного из светонепроницаемого эластичного материала, геометричес