This invention relates to theprovision of an edible composition for thetreatment of cutaneous signs of ageing, inparticular those associated with loss of skinelasticity, wrinkles and sagging. Thus theinventive composition provides skin benefitsselected from the group consisting ofenhancing collagen deposition in the skin,reducing the appearance of wrinkles andreducing sagging. Thus the inventionprovides an edible composition for treatingaged skin, the composition comprising: (a)2 to 1000, preferably 5 to 750, mostpreferably 10 to 500 mg anthocyanidin andderivatives thereof; and (b) 1 to 20,preferably 5 to 15, most preferably 2 to 10 mglutein and derivatives thereof; wherein theweight ratio of anthocyanidin to lutein is atleast 1:1, preferably at least 10:1 and morepreferably at least 25:1, even more preferablyat least 50:1, most preferably at least100:1; wherein the composition excludescopper in the form of separately or incombination copper gluconate and copperoxide; and further excludes separately or incombination with the copper exclusionNandina domestica or an extract thereof. The invention also relates to acosmetic method for providing the aforesaid skin benefitsusing the inventive composition.