This invention relates to a storage system for chili peppers, in particular red chil5 i peppers, that is able to store the chili peppers for 3 6 months. Before being processed, chili peppers are first aerated (blowing) in order to reduce the field heat. Any chili peppers that are damaged, infested by pests and developing diseases are separated. As for those chili peppers with good quality are then cleaned and sanitized by soaking them 10 in a solution of calcium hypochlorite, further they are soaked in a solution of kinetin and auxin. Then, these chili peppers are stored in a cold room (which has been precooled previously by reducing the temperature gradually starting from 30oC, 25oC, 20oC, 15oC, 10oC, and so on), and the air therein is conditioned in such a manner that these products can be stored within a period of 3 6 months under fresh conditions. The 15 conditioned air include, among others, temperature, oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity and ethylene gas contained in this storage room. After the storage process is completed, these chili peppers are removed from the cold room by raising the temperature gradually starting from 10oC, 15oC, 20oC, 25oC, and so on.