This new medicine is beneficial in Catarrh, cough, cold, mild fever, gas, bile, sputum, irritation, indigestion, bringing up digestion. By giving this medicine mixed with mahasudarshan powder (choorn) relief in fever is obtained. By mixing mahasudarshan powder, amrataarisht and mahasudarshan essence in this medicine fever running for a long time, fever in bones or other type of fever is cured. By giving this medicine mixed with a little baking soda gives relief in vomiting, nausea, indigestion, stomach ache because of gas, head ache etc. Jaundice is cured completely by having this medicine mixed with arogyavardhini vati, punamnavaarisht (punarnavadimandur) along with punarnavarisht and drakshasav and there is relief in the swelling of the liver.