1. Device for closing vascular puncture place, comprising: an expandable support frame adapted for deployment within the vessel sealing membrane at least partially attached to the support frame, ipoperechny support member extending across at least a portion of the sealing membrane, wherein said apparatus is adapted to intraluminal location of the sealing membrane against the existing within the vessel wall at the puncture site during expansion supporting frame and wherein a transverse support member comprises a flexible jumper connected to the sealing membrane in the intermediate portion of the flexible webs, and performs to retain a sealing membrane adjacent to the place punktsii.2. Device for closing vascular puncture site according to claim. 1, characterized in that the flexible jumper attached to opposite sides of the support karkasa.3. Device for closing vascular puncture site according to claim. 1, characterized in that the flexible web is made of suture materiala.4. Device for closing vascular puncture site according to claim. 1, characterized in that the flexible web is formed of a biodegradable materiala.5. Device for closing vascular puncture place of claim. 1, characterized in that the flexible web is more rigid than the sealing membrana.6. Device for closing vascular puncture place of claim. 1, characterized in that the flexible web extends over the sealing membrane, and is configured such that a sealing is disposed between the membrane and the wall sosuda.7. Device for closing vascular puncture place of claim. 1, characterized in that the flexible1. Устройство для закрытия места пункции сосудов, содержащее:расширяемый опорный каркас, выполненный с возможностью развертывания внутри сосуда герметизирующую мембрану, по меньшей мере частично закрепленную на опорном каркасе, ипоперечный элемент поддержки, проходящий поперек по меньшей мере части герметизирующей мембраныв котором указанное устройство выполнено с возможностью интралюминального расположения гер