1. A system for supplying energy to the patient’s body, comprising: an energy source configured to supply ultrasound energy to a circumferential region near the patient’s blood vessel, while the circumferential plexus of nerves is located in a circumferential region; the energy source is configured to use a blood vessel as a reference point for directing energy to nerves located near a blood vessel; the energy source is configured to supply ultrasound energy to create a ring-shaped nerve suppression zone around the blood vessel, wherein the ring-shaped zone is located along the length of the blood vessel. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy source is configured to provide focused ultrasonic energy. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy source is configured to supply unfocused ultrasonic energy. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy source is configured to provide ultrasonic energy for partial ablation of nerves. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy source is configured to supply ultrasonic energy for complete ablation of nerves. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy source is configured to supply ultrasonic energy to the nerves from outside the patient’s body in many directions through the patient’s skin to the nerves. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy source is configured to supply ultrasonic energy to modulate nerves without damaging tissues, which1. Система подачи энергии в организм пациента, включающая:источник энергии, сконфигурированный для подачи ультразвуковой энергии в расположенную по окружности область вблизи кровеносного сосуда пациента, при этом расположенное по окружности сплетение нервов находится в расположенной по окружности области;при этом источник энергии сконфигурирован для использования кровеносного сосуда в качестве опорной точки для наведения энергии на нервы, расположен