Compact, single-handedly manipulable, cardiography devices, structured for personal use in two, selectively different, functional-cardiography styles, enabling, respectively, one or both of (a) non-acoustic, and (b) acoustic, cardiography, such use involving, as appropriate to the particular functional-cardiography style to be implemented, the collecting and recording of personal cardiography-relevant data—ECG only in a non-acoustic case, and both ECG and heart-sound together in an acoustic case—suitable for subsequent data-analysis processing, and associated cardiovascular diagnosis. Two, representative device overall configurations are illustrated, including (1) a stylus pen-like shape, and (2) a finger-mountable ring-like shape. Collected-data analysis processing, and associated cardiovascular diagnosis, may be performed by device-included electronic information-handling structure, or may, via operation of such electronic structure, be communicated appropriately “outwardly” from the relevant device for external processing and analysis.