Coffee StiX, a convenient method of dispensing coffee condiments (cream, flavoring, sweetener) by means of a coffee stirrer without the time, waste, sanitation problems and mess of conventional methods
A visit to any well equipped coffee station will show containers of paper sweetner packets, a large, separate sugar container, powdered or liquid creamer/flavoring and stirring devices (plastic or wooden). All the necessary condiments to flavor your coffee to your taste and stir it into your coffee. Customers can't help make a mess as the condiments are added and stirred. Spilled sugar, creamer/flavoring and small bits of paper from opening the sugar packets. A disposal can or wastebasket is usually provided to address the mess and encourage customers to clean up after themselves. Coffee StiX avoids all of this with one sanitary, each portion covered, condiment stick, wooden or plastic. Since all the condiments are on the stirring stick and they are individually protected by a thin paper or plastic film, only the user touches the stick. This is done quickly and easily, avoiding the long lines at coffee stations/bars. No clean up is necessary as there is no mess, freeing up employees to perform other tasks.