The current invention relates to radially divided adhesive wafers for applying to the skin of a human, and which increases the wear time of such adhesive wafers. The adhesive wafer comprises an inner annular adhesive layer, an outer annular adhesive layer encircling the inner annular adhesive layer, an attachment zone for attaching a collection bag, provided on the distal side of the adhesive wafer, and connection means for mechanically connecting the first annular adhesive layer to the second annular adhesive layer, wherein the connection means comprises a first and a second connection area on the distal side of the respective first and second annular adhesive layers, wherein at least one of the connection areas are arranged in a radial distance from the radial edges of the respective annular adhesive layer. By providing an adhesive wafer as described, it has been shown that the time before a leakage occurs may be increased. In many cases, the leakage is even prevented. This results in the user being able to wear the adhesive wafer for a longer period of time.