FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to cosmetology, dermatology, plastic surgery, and can be used for correction of asymmetry of upper third part of the face. For this purpose, at first, mimic tests are made with diagnosing of zones of different degree of facial activity manifestation. Then points located 2.5 cm above bony frame of brows are marked, in zones with maximum expressed mimics. That is followed by intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin type A with concentration of 100 U of botulinum toxin on 2.5 ml of physiological solution in amount of 2-4 U of the preparation of botulinum toxin type A for each injection. Then correction of asymmetry is performed by intradermal surface injection of botulinum toxin in zones, characterized by formation of multiple dynamic wrinkles during the facial activity. For this purpose points for surface subcutaneous injection, located 1-1.5 cm above and below the level of points for intramuscular injection are additionally marked. After marking additional points botulinum toxin of type A is injected subcutaneously. Concentration of botulinum toxin is 100 U per 0.5-1 ml of physiological solution, dose of each injection is 1 U. Wherein number of points for injection is determined from ratio: one point per every 1.5 cm2 of skin.EFFECT: method provides effective correction of asymmetry of the upper third part of face with good clinical results without compensatory wrinkles formation, as well as without serious complications, such as upper eyelid ptosis.1 cl, 3 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к косметологии, дерматологии, пластической хирургии, и может быть использовано для коррекции асимметрии верхней трети лица. Для этого первоначально проводят мимические тесты с диагностированием зон, различных по степени выраженности мимической активности. Затем проводят маркировку точек, находящихся выше на 2,5 см костного остова надбровных дуг, в зонах с максимально выраженной мимикой. После этого осуще