1. Dynamic electroporation device comprising an elongated applicator (1) of insulating material, with a rounded front portion (4) for vaginal and / or anal administration, two annular electrode (3) connected to the pulse generator with programmable voltage which are arranged on the front surface and a frequency located at the sides of the intermediate opening (2) which is reported at least a channel (9) associated with a central socket (5), wherein the syringe (6) without a needle to the piston may be disposed (10) performing th function manual dispenser pharmacological or aesthetic products or active ingredients, and to said ring electrodes (3) is applied pulsed electrical voltage by a programmable control oscillator (12) with a display (13) powered by batteries or by the mains (14), characterized in that pharmacological, aesthetic products or active ingredients are administered, since the area of the applicator (1), located between the two annular electrodes (3) and extend in the intermediate ring by ERSTU (2), which communicates (9), said at least one channel, entering uniformly into contact with the machined surface of the vaginal or anal located between said annular electrodes (3) .2. Device according to claim dynamic electroporation. 1, in which said ring electrodes (3) are made of surgical steel conductor, being in electrical communication with said generator (12) impulsov.3. Device according to claim dynamic electroporation. 1, in which said ring electrodes (3) are made of a conductive plastic material, finding1. Прибор динамической электропортации, содержащий продолговатый аппликатор (1) в изоляционном материале, со скругленной передней частью (4) для вагинального и/или анального введения, на передней поверхности которого расположены два кольцевых электрода (3), соединенных с генератором импульсов с программируемыми напряжением и частотой, расположенных у стороны промежуточного отверстия (2), с которым сообщается, по меньшей мере, канал (9), связанный с ц