The present innovative item is an improved accessory for pets’ legs. Most of the pets’ accessories currently available on the market are shoe-type or sock-type, which are designed following ergonomics. However, these designs do not consider pet owners’ clothes could be seriously stained by splashed water while pets are stepping on wet. This new design of pet legs’ accessory is flared-shape, plastic sleeves that can obstruct most of splashed water from pet’s legs that could very possible stain owner’s clothes. Moreover, Velcro strip are used for making it easier to put on and off.本創作為一種改良型寵物腳部配件。目前市面上所見之寵物腳部配件均以人類使用之鞋具或襪子為概念設計,然此等鞋、襪配件均未考慮雨天飼主帶寵物行走時,寵物四腳會激起水花,濺濕飼主甚至週遭行人之衣褲。因此本創作將寵物腳部配件設計為塑膠喇叭狀之腳套,適合於雨天飼主帶寵物行走時防止寵物四腳濺起之水花弄髒衣褲,且以黏扣帶(魔鬼氈)粘上或拉起,增加穿脫之便利性。02‧‧‧喇叭袖型主體