The invention relates to medicine, particularly surgery, and may be applied to surgical gastroenterology, particularly to treatment and prevention of post-resection and post-vagotomy stomach atonic conditions. Atonic conditions are often combined with gastroptosis, whereas constitutional or acquired asthenia may cause either gastroptosis, or atony, or hypotony of stomach. Task of the invention consists in surgical treatment of atony concomitant with gastroptosis, but without damage to, or removal of the sphincter, including complications caused by pylorus conserving reactions, through normalization of passage of stomach contents to duodenum and prevention of duodenogastric reflux and damping syndrome. The task stated is achieved in the method for surgery treatment of stomach atony concomitant with gastroptosis, according to the invention, wherein a loop of small intestine is sutured to the stomach, such that bowel peristalsis passed to stomach muscles then an anastomosis is formed between stomach and small intestine for accelerated food mass evacuation from stomach to small intestine, preceded by distal end closure, which distal end is lead to esophagogastric transition zone, wherein distal part of small intestine is arranged along lesser curvature of stomach, and the distal end is fixed in this position using serous-to-serous suture, whereupon a side anastomosis between small intestine proximal end and side surface of intestine distal part is performed at that, incision of small intestine is made at 20 to 30 cm distance from Treitz ligament, intestine distal part is fixed in a position wherein the mesentery is arranged laterally, the free edge being medial, and mesenterial vessels and lesser omentum vessels are sutured together during fixation of intestine distal part.Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии, и может быть использовано в хирургической гастроэнтерологии, а именно для лечения и профилактики пострезекционных и постваготомических атоний жел