This invention consists in portable cryostat capsules built in several materials, dimensions and configurations according to the size of the biological refrigeratable samples to be cryopreserved and its cold storage requirements of these biological materials including umbilical cord blood, cells, semen, oocytes, tissues and bigger biological units such as organs for transplantation, entire animals or plants, including human organs or entire bodies in the cryo-medical practice. These capsules are all built in a form of thermoplastic cryostat with a cold source that is in contact with a myogenic tank, a cryo-liquid generator, a cryo-coolant unit and/or an hybrid unit (combination of an external cryogen supply in continuous flow with a closed cycle unit) and includes an outer casing and an inner vessel covered by a thermal insulating material consisting of vacuum, perlite or similar thermal insulator to inhibit the transfer of heat for the correct vitrification of the biological materials.