A seeder for attaching to a tractor or another towing vehicle includes a carriage mounted on a plurality of wheels that allow the device to easily traverse roads and other terrain. Atop the carriage are a pair of bins, each for storing a discrete type of seed for dispersing into furrows. Beneath the bins are a plurality of juxtaposed seeding units for simultaneously sowing multiple, closely-spaced rows of seeds. Each seeding unit includes a furrowing assembly formed of a shaft having a plurality of cogged cutting wheels mounted thereon. Immediately trailing each cutting wheel is a spring-biased compaction wheel that compresses and covers each furrow as it is sown. Each shaft also includes a designated height-adjustment mechanism that compensates for undulating or varying terrain. Accordingly, as the carriage traverses a field, the cutting wheels create multiple, minimally-spaced furrows into which seeds are automatically dispensed the height-adjustment mechanism automatically raises or lowers the cutting blades as underlying terrain varies to assure that all seeds are planted at a consistent depth.