FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medical equipment. An electronic sphygmomanometer with manual pumping contains a cuff, a unit of manual pumping, a pressure sensor for determining a pressure signal in the cuff, a unit of determining a specific component for determination of a synthetic wave of fluctuation wave in case of manual pumping and a pulse pressure wave as a specific component based on the pressure signal in the cuff, obtained during pumping, a processing unit for obtaining the target value of pumping basing on the result of determination of the unit of determination of the specific component and a unit of informing about further pumping until the target value of pumping is achieved. The processing unit contains the first calculation unit for calculation of a curve of fluctuation wave interpolation in case of manual pumping for a part of the specific component basing on the form of signals before and after the specific component, the second calculation unit for calculation of the pulse wave component by subtraction of the interpolation curve from the specific component, an assessment unit for assessment of the systolic blood pressure value basing on an amplitude of the pulse wave component and a unit of determination of the target value of pumping, obtained by addition of the specified value to the assessment value of the systolic blood pressure.EFFECT: application of the invention will make it possible to increase accuracy of blood pressure measurement.5 cl, 15 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике. Электронный сфигмоманометр с ручным накачиванием содержит манжету, блок ручного накачивания, датчик давления для определения сигнала давления в манжете, блок определения специфической составляющей для определения синтетической волны флюктуационной волны при ручном накачивании и пульсовой волны давления в качестве специфической составляющей на основе сигнала давления в манжете, полученного во время накачивания, блок обработки для получения